-The Rules-
- NO Swearing
Things slip out, don't make a habit of it. Use funny symbols...
- NO Flooding
- NO OP Begging
- NO Autogreets
- NO Bots
AREA51, X & others with prior permission from owners.
- NO Sound Requests
Sound Requests will result in a AUTO-kick.
- NO Lewd conversation or anything that will upset people.
- NO spoiling any episodes without permission.
- NO Fish abuse (trout slapping will not be tolerated)
- NO Advertising of other channels, and no commercial advertising
- NO soliciting. #X-Files is not a pickup joint
- NO unnecessary idling.
Doing any of the above will probably get you kicked, might get
you banned. And they won't earn you any friends on #X-Files. Doing
a combination, will get you kicked, might get you banned.
You may have fun, talk about the show, but please be nice!
Please note that the ops aren't necessarily IRC experts.
July 23rd 1996